St. Winefrid's Well : Scituate 4 Miles from Flint in North Wales, a Noble Fountain, & of great Antiquity, much frequented by devout Persons, and Celebrated for the Memory of St. Winefrid, a Christian Virgin & Martyr, who to preserve her Virginity, offer'd her self a Sacrifice to Caradock, a Heathen Prince of that Country, who cut off her Head near this place, where Miraculously broke forth this Plentifull Spring, which gives Health to Multitudes of diseased Persons that come to bath in it, the Stones about it have red spots on them, representing the Virgins Blood, also Moss of a most fragrant smell


Title of Work: St. Winefrid's Well : Scituate 4 Miles from Flint in North Wales, a Noble Fountain, & of great Antiquity, much frequented by devout Persons, and Celebrated for the Memory of St. Winefrid, a Christian Virgin & Martyr, who to preserve her Virginity, offer'd her self a Sacrifice to Caradock, a Heathen Prince of that Country, who cut off her Head near this place, where Miraculously broke forth this Plentifull Spring, which gives Health to Multitudes of diseased Persons that come to bath in it, the Stones about it have red spots on them, representing the Virgins Blood, also Moss of a most fragrant smell Shelfmark: Maps K.Top.47.25.a Place and date of production: 1699 Credit: From the British Library archive

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